Bracknell Ale Festival beer list: 20. Captain B – Irving & Co Brewers

Bracknell Ale & Wine Festival title sponsor
Captain B sponsored by Think Ford

Beer 20 at Bracknell Ale & Wine Festival 2014 is an absolute crowd favourite following it’s debut last year. Yes it’s Captain B from Irving & Co Brewers in Portsmouth.

See the full beer and cider list here

To celebrate the return of Captain B Spiced Rum Ale, we’ve translated the preview into pirate!

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Captain B be a brilliantly delicious 5.3% spiced rum grog brewed specifically fer festivals.

Captain B be th` first barrel emptied at our festival last voyage, an` be runner-up t` Soundwave in th` grog judgin` competition – nay wee achievement.

Ya horn swogglin’ scurvy cur!

We`re delighted t’ ben able t’ persuade Irving`s t’ brew up another batch fer ye, an’ despite bein’ a wee ou’ o’ area fer us, we feel ’tis definitely worth th’ effort as I be sure ye will agree once again.

Th’ good Captain has already visited a number o’ grog festivals this voyage includin’ Leopold Tavern an’ Portsbung hole Grog Festival an’ be regularly described as `dangerously drinkable`.

Ya scurvy cur who ortin’ t’ be keel hauled!

Here`s what th’ Irvin’ & Co website says about Captain B:

A Festival special Spiced Rum Grog that started as a joke! “I will NEVER do a grog called Captain B*********!” spake Malc,.. er’ this strong sweet an’ spicy taste o’ th’ Caribbean proves otherwise. Flavours o’ Cinnamon an’ Vanilla dominate wi’ dark sugar notes.

Captain B has a 3.63 star ratin’ on

Ya landlubber!

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Captain B is a brilliantly delicious 5.3% spiced rum ale brewed specifically for festivals.

Captain B was the first barrel emptied at our festival last year, and was runner-up to Soundwave in the beer judging competition – no small achievement.

We’re delighted to have been able to persuade Irving’s to brew up another batch for you, and despite being a little out of area for us, we feel it is definitely worth the effort as I am sure you will agree once again.

The good Captain has already visited a number of beer festivals this year including Leopold Tavern and Portsmouth Beer Festival and is regularly described as ‘dangerously drinkable’.

Here’s what the Irving & Co website says about Captain B:

A Festival special Spiced Rum Ale that started as a joke! “I will NEVER do a beer called Captain B*********!” said Malc,.. er’ this strong sweet and spicy taste of the Caribbean proves otherwise. Flavours of Cinnamon and Vanilla dominate with dark sugar notes.

Captain B has a 3.63 star rating on


Bracknell Ale & Wine Festival 2014 takes place on Sunday 25th May 2014 at Bracknell Town Football Club from 1pm. Tickets are on sale priced £5 for adults, with FREE entry to CAMRA and football club members. Buy tickets here.

Lots of people have asked what the ‘B’ stands for. Well it’s [censored].