Ale festival set to welcome Nefarious Picaroons to the stage

Regulars at G Live, the Boileroom and Guilfest in Surrey, we are delighted to welcome Nefarious Picaroons across the border for their first visit to Bracknell Ale & Wine Festival.

Wayward musical buccaneers sailing the seven seas far and wide in search of an adventurous collection of rare and classic gems for their melodic treasure chest..”

The pop-folk group  have also performed on site at one of our favourite breweries, Hogs Back in Tongham, and we look forward to welcome them to Larges Lane.

About Nefarious Picaroons:

The Nefarious Picaroons first got together in 2012 to play a midsummer concert hosted by Sir Wendal Bonczar.

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They then found themselves headlining a rollocking secret music festival hidden from the public eye in the rolling hills of Devon. These days they chose to play jumped-up skiffle and folked-up pop to the pubs and fairs of southern England. They spare no one as the stomp on the feet of mediocrity whilst turning musical convention on its head.

Who’s playing at Bracknell Ale & Wine Festival 2015? Find out here.