First beer confirmed for Bracknell Ale & Wine Festival 2016

Bracknell Beer Festival favourite Captain B from Irving & Co. Brewers in Portsmouth.

Bracknell Ale & Wine Festival without Captain B from Irving & Co. in Portsmouth would be like cheese without pickle, or garlic without er.. bread.

So it is with great delight we are able to tell you that CAPTAIN B, the BAWF favourite spiced rum ale is going to be racking up for the fifth year in succession.

Not only have we already ordered a barrel of the fastest selling ale for the last two festivals, we have ordered a second one to boot to try and ensure as many of you as possible get to sample the delights of the South Coast brewer.


Gallery: Bracknell Ale & Wine Festival 10Beer: Captain B (5.3%)
By: Irving & Co. Brewers

Notes: Copper ale with spiced rum, a strong sweet and spicy taste with dark sugar notes.


Further details on beers available on the day will be posted here. Sign up to the email notification field below to get all the latest as it happens or join our facebook and twitter accounts.

If you are thinking of coming to our event, tickets are now on sale here. To get an idea of everything that goes on during the event, visit our What’s On page here.