How many pints?! Bracknell Beer Festival in numbers

Bracknell Ale & Wine Festival sponsored by is almost upon us – and to celebrate we’ve taken a look at the big numbers Count style – to let you know what you’ll be in for.

The event takes place of Sunday 24th May at Bracknell Town Football Clubs ground at Larges Lane in Bracknell. Full details of the event can be found right here.

So, here is Bracknell Ale & Wine Festival 2015 in numbers..


That’s right, there has been a beer festival in Bracknell for FIVE glorious years. A proper one. By proper we mean in a field.

Yes all right the first couple of years were in the car park, but you have to admit it was a very green car park.

Bracknell FC held an Ale and Wine Festival on Saturday. Rob Elmes, Terry Parsons and Ross Henderson.
Rob Elmes, Terry Parsons and Ross Henderson under a tent in 2011.

Seems like only yesterday a hundred people cowered under three gazebos as the heavens did their worst back in 2011.

4320 (Four thousand three hundred and twenty)

This might seem like a very precise number, but we’ve accounted for wastage – ours not yours. We know you aren’t that careless.

4,320 is the number of half pints of beer and cider available to drink on the day – that works out at 2,160 pints. We think you’ll have a good job getting through that lot!


THIRTY BEERS. Everything from mild’s to rum infused specials. Our beer master Ed we believe has sourced the widest variety for our festival yet.


The mean average percent of the thirty beers on offer this year.

The lowest percent beer is West Berkshire’s Skiff at 3.6%, while the highest is the Animal and Moog Brew collaboration B*****d Bunny at 7.2%

And just for fun.. when the Count met Cookie Monster.

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