BAWF hosting collection for Alexander Devine hospice

Following the recent break-in at Windsor & Eton Brewery where a charity collection for the Alexander Devine Hospice in White Waltham was stolen, we have agreed to a bucket collection at Bracknell Ale & Wine Festival this year to help make up the missing donations.

Following our break-in on Monday morning, our safe was stolen with business cash and other valuables in it. Most…

Posted by Windsor and Eton Brewery on Tuesday, 15 March 2016

We have posted on our facebook page about the sad state of events but we’re pleased to see the brewery has already managed to raise £2,000 – more than the original amount raised -and we hope to be able to add to that total.

You can find out more about the hospice on their website here, or there is a short excerpt here:

Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice Service now funds Alexander’s Nurses who support families across Berkshire in their own homes, providing much needed respite, palliative care, emotional and practical support. We are working towards building Berkshire’s very own children’s hospice for these local families which will be supported by a home care team.